Product Overview
Dr. Scott and Kimberly Hahn -- (3 CD Set)
Scott and Kimberly Hahn's Classic Bible Study on the Holy Rosary
The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most venerable devotions of the Catholic Faith. Centuries old, it has been vigorously promoted by popes, and saints, and the Mother of God herself. As all Catholics know, the Mysteries of the Rosary center on the Life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Ironically, the Rosary has been accused by non-Catholics as “un-biblical” when in reality it is the most Biblical of Catholic devotions.
Incorporates All of Scripture
In this classic Bible Study, now digitally re-mastered on three audio CDs, Dr. Scott and Kimberly Hahn offer the most thoroughly Biblical approach to this ancient devotion ever presented. While many “Scriptural Rosaries” offer a Bible verse or two for each Mystery, the Hahn’s reveal how you can incorporate all of Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, into your meditations on the life of Jesus and Mary.
Countless Biblical Associations
As you listen to The Venerable Beads, you’ll discover that, when the Hahn’s speak of a Scriptural Rosary, they mean that Catholics should totally immerse themselves in the inspired words of the Holy Bible. Now, you’ll learn how to approach the Rosary in such a way that each Mystery evokes countless Biblical associations, from Genesis to Revelation. As Scripture itself reveals, God has been preparing each of the Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary from all eternity.
Beauty and Wisdom
Recorded live on a pilgrimage to Assisi and Rome, this remarkable presentation provides the most coherent presentation on Our Lady and her Rosary available today. In addition to the masterful presentation on incorporating the Scriptures into your Rosary meditations, the Hahn’s also cover how to explain and defend many of the Church’s Marian beliefs and practices, so often misunderstood by non-Catholics. Here you’ll find not only the importance of the Rosary, but also the beauty and wisdom contained in the truths of the Marian doctrines and dogmas.
A Modern Classic
The Venerable Beads is truly a modern classic on the most Catholic of all devotions. You’re sure to find that this unique series will help to strengthen your prayer life even as it improves your ability to explain and defend many of the Catholic beliefs and practices inspired by Our Blessed Mother. Order now and rediscover the crucial connection between the Holy Bible and the Most Holy Rosary.
You'll learn:
Why the Most Holy Rosary is not “un-biblical”
How to incorporate all of Scripture when you recite the Rosary
What is the crucial connection between the Bible and the Rosary
How God has been preparing the Mysteries of the Rosary from all eternity
Why the Rosary is really the most Biblical of all Catholic devotions
How to explain and defend Marian doctrines
Why the Church’s Marian dogmas are not “un-biblical”
How the Old Testament relates to the Holy Rosary
And much more