
The Priest’s Communion with Christ: Dispelling Functionalism

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The Priest’s Communion with Christ: Dispelling Functionalism

Product Overview

Many diocesan priests today feel overworked, under-appreciated, and lonely. The problem is a crisis in priestly identity that is rooted in a functional approach to the priesthood, wherein the emphasis lies on "doing" rather than on "being." This "functionalism," describes an approach to life in which a priest derives his identity from his activity, his work, his success, his fidelity to his duties, and other such externally based things. The antidote to functionalism is for the priest to place communion with Christ at the very center of his existence. When the priest is properly grounded in his identity, he will have a clearer sense of mission and a more fruitful ministry. Fr. Eugene Florea explores how priests can move from functionalism to being rooted in communion with Christ.


This book is a true gift to priests as it weaves together theological and spiritual themes in a most helpful way so they can keep Christ at the center of their ministerial lives.” -

Most Rev. W. Shawn McKnight, STD Bishop of Jefferson City, MO

Father Florea’s words give hope. With all that a priest is called to do, only a deep communion with Christ will prevent him from being fragmented and feeling burdened. This book will be of immense help to priests as they labor to serve their people while striving to remain in Christ.

-Monsignor Thomas J. Richter, Pastor of Queen of Peace in North Dakota

About the Author

Father Eugene M. Florea is Director of the Merciful Heart Hermitage: A house of Prayer for Priests in Black Canyon City, Arizona. He received his Master of Divinity and Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary. In addition to this ministry, Fr. Florea serves as a spiritual director with The Institute for Priestly Formation.

Product Details

  • Book size: 8.5 x 5.5

  • 126 pages

  • Published year: 2018

  • Softcover


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