
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed

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Product Overview

Tim Staples  --

All New Complete Revised Edition

In this series, All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed: The Biblical Truth About Mary, you will hear fresh insights on one of the most misunderstood and often attacked tenets of Catholic Faith: the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Discover how the Church's beliefs about her are unmistakably rooted in Sacred Scripture. Never before have you heard presentations filled with such Biblical evidence and logical reasoning.

Mary the Bridge
This series will open your eyes and shed new light on Mary, the Mother of God and our mother, too. Many of the popular Protestant myths and misconceptions concerning the dogmas, doctrines and devotions of Our Lady will be shattered as you listen to Tim's rapid-fire responses quoting Scripture and the early Church Fathers.

You will be truly amazed by this informative presentation from one of the best rising Catholic apologists of our times. Tim Staples will show you how Our Lady, often considered an insurmountable obstacle to Catholicism, is actually the bridge leading to the fullness of the Gospel message.

A Complete and Compelling Teaching
If you have ever wanted to arm yourself with convincing explanations concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary this is the set for you. Nowhere else is there such complete and compelling teaching to better equip you for witnessing the Faith to others, especially non-Catholics.

Let Tim Staples show you how to have true, authentic and Biblically grounded devotion to Mary as you discover why Christians of all centuries have honored the Immaculate Virgin and called her "blessed."


9-CD Set



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