
Stand Up For Your Faith

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Stand Up For Your Faith

Dr. Scott Hahn  -- (4 CDs)

Are you excited about being Catholic but are sometimes tongue-tied when it comes to sharing your faith? Do you find that your Protestant friends are better prepared to spread their faith than you or your Catholic friends?

You’re not alone. Many Catholics today keep silent in the face of challenges. Many more let daily opportunities to evangelize pass them by—all because they lack the words, the zeal or the encouragement. But in a world that needs your witness, such silence is deadly—deadly not just for the world, but for you, because faith that’s not shared is soon lost.

Maybe you need to jump-start your evangelism with a round of powerful, practical training. That’s exactly what you’ll get in Stand Up for Your Faith. In this four-CD series, Dr. Scott Hahn delivers a compact course in how to explain and defend the Faith.

Stand Up teaches you how to evangelize and catechize effectively. The series gives you biblical answers to non-Catholics’ most common objections even as it helps you acquire a satisfying, systematic understanding of the Church’s doctrine and practice. You’ll move far beyond “snappy answers” to a way of “thinking with the Church” that enables you to respond reflexively, from the heart.

Stand Up also provides a clear vision of the most fertile fields for evangelization today and the most imminent threats to Christian life. They’re not the ones you’d expect and not the ones you’ll read about in the papers.

Finally, take courage from Dr. Hahn’s presentation of how God works in history and what role you have to play in an especially graced time: the age of the new millennium, the new Catechism, the New evangelization and many remarkable conversions.

In this series, learn:

Why ordinary Catholics wield more power than all the politicians in the world.
How to be more evangelistic, eucharistic—and ecumenical.
The great conversion stories of this century - how they happened, and what you can learn from them.
What is the secret weapon of the best Catholic evangelists.
Why Islam poses the greatest threat in the new millennium.
How to understand and explain annulments.
The biblical basis for purgatory, confession, the papacy, Marian devotion and more.
How to reach the most stubborn ex-Catholics.

(CD 1) Know the Faith - the drama of the Church’s first catechism since the 1500s
(CD 2) Love the Faith - the century’s most exciting conversion stories
(CD 3) Defend the Faith - the six most common Protestant objections, and how to answer them
(CD 4) Celebrate the Faith - how God wants you to tap into the greatest power in the world: the Holy Mass